In search of the perfect sculpture, a statue that seemed so lifelike that it could well be considered human, I traveled to various European cities from 1999 onwards. At the same time, I combed through the most important Berlin cemeteries and photographed the "must-sees" in Brooklyn/NYC and New Orleans between 2001 and 2003. Over the years, this resulted in a large portfolio of sculpture photographs - most of them still analog and photographed with my favorite film "Ilford HP5"...

Paris, 1999 -- Cimetière de Montparnasse

Project Angel

The two-part exhibition series "Project: Angel" was born out of my years of documenting angel sculptures. When I arrived in New York in 2001 and after a few months began to process the numerous photos and finally exhibit them at various locations in Manhattan, we were looking for a striking, somewhat poetic but cool exhibition title: Project Angel was the obvious choice here.

2002, New Orleans -- Audubon Parque

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